It will test all the data values available in key file and automatically show you the key it found by testing data in file.
In below screenshot the bell-01.cap is the file where data is being stored that we will use to crack the password of this WEP WiFi network once we have enough data (recommended #Data value should be over 35,000).Hit enter and the command will start doing attack to WEP WiFi Access point and you can see the #Data value increasing at enormously fast rate. Use airplay-ng -3 -b 64:0F:28:6B:A9:B1 mon0, where -3 is for ARP REPLAY attack. Now we will perform ARP REPLAY Attack to the WiFi network to climb the data to the network at enormous rate.First enter the command airplay-ng -1 0 -a 64:0F:28:6B:A9:B1 mon0 to perform fake authentication (-1 in command) to the network. The speed of sending data is very slow but you need to escalate it by attacking the WEP WiFi network.Hit Enter and it will start sending packets (visible in #Data) to the WiFi
Here, -c 1 indicates channel number which is 1, -w bell is to write data in file “bell”, –bssid 64:0F:28:6B:A9:B1 is MAC address for my selected WiFi access point and mon0 is monitor interface that was created above.

It can take time to all the available WiFi networks in range.

Hacking WiFi Networks with WEP, WPA and WPA2 PSK Security WPA2 PSK – It is short of Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 – Pre-Shared Key which is the latest and most powerful encryption method used in WiFi networks right now.WPA – WiFi Protected Access (WPA) is improved and more secured security protocol which arrived with lots of improvements in encryption and authentication methods of WEP.WEP – Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) is a security protocol, specified in the IEEE Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) standard, 802.11b, that is designed to provide a wireless local area network (WLAN) with a level of security and privacy comparable to what is usually expected of a wired LAN.However, these networks are rarely available and also risky.
Anyone in the WiFi range can connect his device to the network without any password in enjoy free internet.

Before moving directly to the methods to hack WiFi networks lets first see what type of security and authentication methods are implemented in WiFi networks.